Result: pass
Detail | Value |
Returncode | 0 |
Time | 0:00:00.225536 |
Stdout |
Basic test... Assigning `a' to GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS - 1... Failed to link: error: insufficient contiguous locations available for fragment shader output `a' -255 3 7 Assigning `a[0]' and `v' to the same slot... Failed to link: error: overlapping location is assigned to fragment shader output `a' -255 3 0 Assigning `a[1]' to `v' to the same slot... Failed to link: error: overlapping location is assigned to fragment shader output `a' -254 3 0 Assigning `a' to `v' to non-overlapping slots... |
Stderr | |
Environment |
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/usr/local/lib/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl" |
Command | /usr/local/lib/piglit/bin/bindfragdata-link-error -auto -fbo |
dmesg |